Welcome to West Coast Ferrets, California’s ONLY ferret rescue.  We are dedicated to the health and well being of the world’s greatest little animals.

Next meeting for
West Coast Ferrets:

Meetings are on hold. Please check back later

Open to everyone, Come join us


Sudwerk Brewing
2001 2nd Street
Davis, CA


For More Information

Email: weazelluv@westcoastferrets.org
Phone:  833-4FERRET

Postal Address:
West Coast Ferrets
P.O. Box 162057
Sacramento, Ca 95816

Our meetings are open to all, not just members.

West Coast Ferrets is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Make your Tax Deductible Donation Today

More Ways To Help

Raising funds to help give rescued ferrets the help they need is as simple as shopping online via Goodshop.com.
Everything you need can be found among the 5,000+ retailers participating in the Goodshop program. Enjoy savings with coupons for Amazon , Sierra Trading Post & Ferret.com , all while Goodshop donates up to 20% to our cause!

Join iGive.com and have a percentage of your purchases donated to West Coast Ferrets.

Choose from over 900 stores you already shop.

A completely free way to help West Coast Ferrets.

Also join GoodSearch.com and earn a penny per search by searching
from the goodsearch page.

The pennies add up to dollars and helps us feed fuzzies in need.

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West Coast Ferrets and click
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